意志動詞と無意志動詞 – Consciousness & unconsciousness verb
The 2017 Japanese Film Festival
意志動詞と無意志動詞 – Consciousness & unconsciousness verb
Today we will expansion regarding 意志動詞 and 無意志動詞. First, let’s go through a new situation where a consciousness verb is used as the unconsciousness one.
– 明日から毎日泳ぐ。(I will keep swimming from tomorrow.)
– 手紙を書こうかなあ。(I will write a letter.)
“泳ぐ” and “書く” are consciousness verbs above. However, you will see how they are used as unconsciousness verbs as below.
– 気づいたら、1キロも泳いでいた。(I have been swimming for 1 kilometer when I noticed.)
– 違う住所を書いちゃった。どうしよう。(I wrote a wrong address. What should I do?)
Next, I will introduce some verbs that could be used as both consciousness and unconsciousness verbs.
Consciousness way
– キムさんは頑張って弁護士になった。(He worked very hard and became an attorney.)
– こんなことは早く忘れよう。(Let’s forget this.)
– またあいつか!明日雷を落としてやれ。(It’s him again! I will rebuke him tomorrow.)
Unconsciousness way
– 5時になりました。(It’s 5:00.)
– この人の名前は忘れちゃった。(I forgot that guy’s name.)
– 昨日トイレで財布を落としたようだ。(I probably lost my wallet at the toilet yesterday.)
Enjoy the weekend. See you next week.
意志動詞と無意志動詞 – Consciousness & unconsciousness verb
I will introduce an interesting concept called consciousness & unconsciousness verb which you might not be aware yet. So what is it? Here is some explanation about it.
Consciousness verb: the action from the “verb” which can be controlled by the person who conducts it.
Unconsciousness verb: the action from the “verb” which cannot be controlled.
It is easy to understand what consciousness verb is, however, people are usually confused about the unconsciousness ones. Therefore, I will focus on introducing the latter. Let’s see some examples.
1. 机の上に財布があった。 (There is a wallet on the table.)
2. 雪が降っている。 (It’s snowing.)
As you cannot control the action itself, “ある” and “降る” are unconsciousness verb. Meanwhile, verbs about natural phenomenon, mental and physical activity are usually unconsciousness verbs.
3. 授業があまりにもつまらなくて、居眠りしちゃった。 (I fell asleep because the class is so boring.)
4. 寒いのか、子猫はずっと震えていた。 (The cat is trembling. Probably it’s cold.)
5. 理想な女性に出会った。 (I come across my dream girl.)
It might be confusing as some unconsciousness verbs look like consciousness verbs. You need to distinguish them by understanding the meaning of the sentence. Next time I will introduce something about the consciousness verb.
Enjoy the weekend.