
Typical mistakes made between “うれしい” and “楽しい” – Episode 1

Posted on October 13th, 2017 by ajadmin

Don’t be surprised! Yes, that’s right. Many students misuse these two words because they both mean “happy”. From this week I will introduce how to distinguish the difference. Let’s first go through 4 typical misused examples to consider why they are not appropriate.

Example 1
Kim-san met with Chin-san yesterday since a long time ago.
教師:それは よかったですね。
That’s good. Kim-san wanted to want to meet with Chin-san.
オウ:はい。キムさんは とても うれしかったです。
Yes, Kim-san was so happy yesterday.

Example 2
キム:先生、きのう 初めてアルバイト代をもらいました。とても楽しかったです。
I got my first part-time payment yesterday. I was so happy.

Example 3
ソウ:先生、この学期は とても うれしかったです。
I had a lot of fun this semester.

Example 4
I went to Chin-san’s home.
教師:それは よかったですね。
That’s good.
マリ:陳さんは みんなに うれしい話をしてくれました。
Chin-san talked a lot of funny things.

I will announce the answer next week so try to do your best to guess.

Typical mistakes made between “うれしい” and “楽しい” – Episode 2

Posted on October 13th, 2017 by ajadmin
Hi, guys! How is your guess doing? I will introduce the answer for the 4 examples.
Example 1
うれしい/楽しい is used to express ONLY the feeling about the speaker, that is, it is not appropriate to describe the feeling of the third party. Thus, you could adjust the phrase as below to describe キムさん’s feeling.
– キムさんはとてもうれしそうでした。
– キムさんはとてもうれしかったと思います。
Example 2
うれしい is used to show the feeling at a particular moment. In contrast, たのしい is about a continuous feeling. Thus, you should うれしい in this case.
Example 3
たのしい should be used under the situation where you participate in something yourself. In contrast, うれしい is about the instantaneous feelings. So you should use たのしい in this case.
Example 4
As うれしい is about personal feeling, it is not appropriate to use it with words like みんな. In contrast, たのしい is about general feeling. Thus, you should use たのしい in this case.
See you next week!

So many wives! – history about 妻(つま), 嫁(よめ), 女房(にょうぼう), 奥さん(おくさん), 家内(かない) and かみさん

Posted on September 29th, 2017 by ajadmin
Continuing our topic, I will introduce the last two vocabularies about wife: 家内(かない) and かみさん.
家内(かない) used to mean “inside the house”. However, interestingly, a huge “revolution” happened to this word in 明治時代(めいじじだい, 1868 – 1912). During that period, Japan had gradually transformed to have the same social system as western countries. Then, it turned out that men go to work in offices and women become full-time housewives. As a result, this kind of family has been increasing by a huge number. Therefore, a wife became the person who stays at home, eventually, it turned out to be家内(かない).
However, it is common that a female has a job at present time. Therefore, calling your wife “家内(かない)” is relatively not appropriate.
Original かみさん is 上様 (かみさま), the people who are superior to you. Thus, かみさん is not appropriate for the wife who has an equal relationship with the husband.
I hope you have enjoyed the history of different words of wives. See you next week!

So many wives! – history about 妻(つま), 嫁(よめ), 女房(にょうぼう), 奥さん(おくさん), 家内(かない) and かみさん

Posted on September 22nd, 2017 by ajadmin
Last week we have learned about the history of妻(つま), 嫁(よめ). Do you still remember the difference? 妻(つま) is the female who is permitted by parents to live with a male. 嫁(よめ) is “son’s wife”. Today I will introduce女房(にょうぼう) and 奥さん(おくさん).
In 平安時代(へいあんじだい, 794 – 1192), there had always been several mates working in the high nobility houses. That is the group of people who take care of cooking, cleaning the house and other chores. They usually live their bosses’ house. In particular, the room in which female mates live has a special name called “房(ぼう)”. Interestingly, somehow those females live in “房(ぼう)” turned out to be “女房(にょうぼう)”. Therefore, 女房(にょうぼう) means the female assistant. So it is not appropriate to call you wife as女房(にょうぼう).
The very first奥さん(おくさん) was recorded in北条幻庵覚書(ほうじょうげんあんおぼえがき) in 1562. It actually came from the word of 奥方(おくがた). 奥方(おくがた) means the inner room of a house. In the past, the partner of highly aristocratic male usually lives in the奥方(おくがた). People call those female奥方(おくがた) to show their respect. However, the name has gradually changed from奥方(おくがた) to 奥さん as time flies by. Therefore, 奥方(おくがた) means other people’s partner who lives in the inner room. So it is not appropriate to call your wife奥方(おくがた).
I hope you like it. See you next week!

So many wives! – history about 妻(つま), 嫁(よめ), 女房(にょうぼう), 奥さん(おくさん), 家内(かない) and かみさん

Posted on September 15th, 2017 by ajadmin
I believe many of you have learned vocabularies about “wife”. As shown in the title, there are a lot of different ways to call “wife”. I know. I know. Quite confusing, right? In the following weeks, I will introduce the history about where these “wives” come from and when to use of each of them. This weekend I will start from妻(つま) and 嫁(よめ).
The very first 妻(つま) was mentioned in the 古事記(こじき or ふることふみ) which is the oldest extant chronicle in Japan written in 奈良時代(ならじだい) A.D. 712. It says,
My name is アシナヅチ, and my wife’s name is テナヅチ.
According to historians, there was no official marriage regulation at that point. Instead, a marriage would be acknowledged as long as mutual parents permit. That is, in奈良時代, wife means the female who is permitted by parents to live with a male. It is similar to the contemporary meaning. Therefore, we can conclude that the meaning of 妻 has been inherited from the ancient times. So it is appropriate to use 妻 when a man introduces his wife.
Now let’s guess. Do you think嫁 is appropriate to introduce your wife? The answer is no.
The very first嫁 was mentioned in the名語記(みょうごき) written in 鎌倉時代(かまくらじだい) A.D. 1275. It says,
Son’s wife should be called as よめ.
It implies that the male’s parents call their daughter-in-law as嫁. But why? Because, in the past, when parents introduce their daughter-in-law, they usually say
“There is a good girl has come to our house.”
Please pay attention to “よいgood” and “女girl”. 女 is used to be pronounced as “め”. Therefore, 良い女 = to良(よ)い女(め) = よいめ, eventually become よめ. 嫁 means “son’s wife”, so it is not appropriate to use it on your own wife.
Enjoy your weekend!