I hope you all could have some opportunities to practice the etiquettes I have introduced before. This week, I will introduce more interesting things which will probably surprise you.
7. Call a waiter/waitress loudly in restaurants
When ordering a meal in Japan, it is common to give a yell of “すみません!” to waiters/waitresses, while it is very rude in western cultures. The waiters/waitresses will also give you a yell saying “いらっしゃいます! (Welcome!)” when you enter the restaurant. It says such yelling is to give people an impressive showing that the restaurant is prosperous.
8. If it is not 100%, do not say “Yes” or make a decision
In Japan, making a business decision, not only externally but also internally, will take a really long time. No kidding, very long. People tend to say “Please give me some time and think about it again” to avoid an immediately judge or choice because once a decision has been made, it is almost 100% impossible to take it back. So don’t make a decision if it’s not 100% to you.
9. Pouring grievance on drinking parties (飲み会 のみかい)
In western cultures, it is not common to talk about jobs on 飲み会 (のみかい), not to mention giving negative comments about the job. However, pouring grievance is the eternal topic on 飲み会 in Japan. On the other hand, it is also the most effective way to get know each other because you usually cannot know someone’s real thoughts in the workplace.