Category Archives: Kanji

What is the opposite word for 若い(わかい, young)?

At the beginning stage of Japanese study, teachers usually would teach vocabularies with their opposite words together such as おおきい⇔ちいさい, あたらしい⇔ふるい, etc. Particularly, students need to be careful about “あつい” and “たかい”. あつい has a variety of meaning such as “hot” and “thick” with corresponding opposite words of “cold” and “thin”. たかい could be “high” […]

初めまして vs 始めまして

In general, one of the phrases that a Japanese learner learned in the very first stage is “はじめまして”. However, in terms of Kanji, which one do you think is appropriate for this phrase: 初めまして or 始めまして?   Personally, I thought it should be “初めまして”. The reason is that… well… somehow… I don’t know… it should […]

So many wives! – history about 妻(つま), 嫁(よめ), 女房(にょうぼう), 奥さん(おくさん), 家内(かない) and かみさん

I believe many of you have learned vocabularies about “wife”. As shown in the title, there are a lot of different ways to call “wife”. I know. I know. Quite confusing, right? In the following weeks, I will introduce the history about where these “wives” come from and when to use of each of them. […]