Author Archives: ajadmin

Use “ないでください” to make a request.

Except for the prohibition, “ないでください” can also be used as a form of request. However, you would find that the structure is exactly same with we have learned before which probably makes you confused. Thus, practice is necessary to distinguish the difference. Let’s have a look at the following examples. A: コーヒーでも飲みませんか。(Would you want some […]

Culture class – Origami

We are planning to do a Japanese “ORIGAMI” culture class on the 22nd of July. This culture class is for all levels. We will learn how to make many different things by ORIGAMI. It is going to be fun please join! We will need to charge $10 for Awesome Japanese students to cover materials and […]

Japanese pianist concert in Canberra.

さて、日本人ピアニスト、永野光太郎さんのコンサートがキャンベラで開かれます。永野さんは2014年のオーストラリア国際ショパンピアノコンクールの優勝者です。 コンサートは7月14日(金) ForrestのWesley Music Centreで開催されます。詳しくはチラシをご覧ください。また、チケットは以下のリンクで予約出来ます。 永野さんの演奏は本当に素晴らしいので、たくさんの方に聴いて頂けたらと思います!  


Last week we have learned the basic form of “ないでください” and the nuance under different circumstances. Today I will introduce the ways of response for such nuance respectively. First, let’s have a brief review.   Imagine that you are in a museum. You have been told that do not touch the articles. – すみませんが、この会場では品物に触らないでください。   […]


I believe some of you have already learned “〜てください” which means “please…(do something)”. Conversely, if you want to ask people not to do something, you could use “〜ないでください” which is we are going to learn today.   Basically, “〜ないでください” has two different meanings: instruction and attention. Let’s go through some examples.   1. Instruction – […]

い形・な形・名詞 + てもいいです

We have been learning the structure of “verb + てもいいです” for a couple of weeks. In fact, except this form, we can also have the structure of “い形・な形・名詞 + てもいいです”. Let’s have a look at the following examples.   1. アパートは、家賃が安ければ、狭くてもいいです。(As long as the rent is cheap, I am fine even the apartment is small.) […]

Further expansion of “てもいい” – to express “…not necessary”

Today, we are going to have a further expansion about how to express “…not necessary” by using “てもいい”, which makes us change the form of the phrase.   Verb + なくてもいい   Let’s have a look at an example. – お腹がいっぱいだったら、食べなくてもいいよ。(If you are full, you don’t need to eat it.)   The following examples are […]

Examples about that “てもいいです” do not mean permission.

We have shown in the last few weeks how to use “てもいいです” to ask for permission. However, in reality, this phrase has other types of usage. Let’s have a look at the following examples. 1. Expressing the social rules A: このマンションでは、犬を飼ってもいいんですか。(Can I have a dog in the mansion?) B: ええ、飼ってもいいんですよ。(Yes, you can.) In this case, […]

Examples of misunderstanding about “てもいいです”.

We have been learning about the phrase of “てもいいです” in the last two weeks. Today I will show you some examples of misunderstanding that people usually make.   電気をつけてもいいですか。 電気をつけてください。   The first sentence shows the structure of  “動詞てもいいですか” which is talking about “may I do something”. The person (subject) who turn on the light […]