【One Point Lesson】 Holiday Greetings

Hi everyone, welcome to our one point lesson.

It’s our last blog update this year, so we would like to share the information of how to write new year’s greetings in Japanese.


To begin with, we don’t generally celebrate Christmas in Japan and it’s not a public holiday either. But we definitely enjoy the atmosphere of Christmas, for example, christmas trees, songs, and christmas decorations are everywhere in towns. Christmas is more for young couples, as they enjoy exchanging gifts each other.


Instead, new year’s eve and day are more important for Japanese families. Most people go back to their hometown and gather with their family and relatives.

We traditionary send a New year’s greetings card like on the right, but the number of people who send them via email or messages has increased, due to the spread of phones and computers.


Here are some phrases that you can use as new year’s greetings:

  • あけまして おめでとう ございます。(Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu.)
    Happy new year.
  • あけまして おめでとう。(Akemashite omedetou)
    Happy new year. (Casual)
  • 昨年は大変お世話になりました。(sakunen wa taihen osewani narimashita.)
    Thank you for all that you have done for me in the last year.
  • 今年もよろしくお願いします。(Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.)
    Please extend me your kindness consideration throughout this year as before.

Before putting the last phrase to wrap up the greetings, you can also write messages about your life recently and other topics. For example:

  • 最近引っ越しをしました。今度遊びにきてください。(Saikin hikkoshi o shimashita. Kondo asobini kite kudasai.)
    I moved house recently. Please come to visit me sometime.
  • 仕事は忙しいですが、頑張っています。(Shigoto wa isogashi desuga, ganbatte imasu.)
    I’m doing alright even though work is busy.
  • 子どもが生まれて、家族がにぎやかになりました。(Kodomo ga umarete, kazokuga nigiyaka ni narimashita.)
    My family has become lively after the new baby was born.


I hope you enjoy exchanging new year greetings with Japanese friends!

Have a awesome holiday peeps!