Hi everyone, welcome to our one point lesson.
We would like to introduce some onomatopoeia today. They are very useful and so much fun so you should check them out!
There are hundreds of onomatopoeic expressions, so we have picked out three of them that are commonly used and easy to remember for you.
・ぴかぴか (pika pika)
Something sparkling, shining, glittering.
ex. 今日(きょう) お風呂(ふろ)を 掃除(そうじ)したので ぴかぴかに なりました。
Today I cleaned the bathroom, so now it is clean and shiny.
・ぺらぺら (pera pera)
1. Describe speaking fluently in foreign language.
2. Something thin and cheap-looking.
ex. スミスさんは 日本語(にほんご)が ぺらぺらですね。
Mr Smith speaks Japanese very fluently, doesn’t he?
・じろじろ (jiro jiro)
Someone staring rudely.
ex. 外国人(がいこくじん)が 日本(にほん)にいくと、みんなに じろじろ 見(み)られます。
When foreigners go to Japan, they get stared at by Japanese people.
Have a good weekend peeps!