Inappropriate ways for answering a phone

Keigo (敬語けいご) is difficult even for those who have been working in companies for a long time, in particular when answering a phone because it is not able to communicate by seeing each others’ face and body language. Undoubtedly, how people answer phone calls is very critical for the corporate image. Today, I will introduce some typical examples of the wrong ways for answering a phone.

1. Don’t use “そうなんですね” to chime in, especially for the first time to have a conversation with a customer, because it is a quite casual form of the phrase. Instead, you could use “さようでございますか”.

2. Using too much “~させていただきます” is also inappropriate. For example, you might think it is correct to say “確認させていただきます” “折り返しご連絡させていただきます”. Although it is one of the standard forms of Keigo in the textbook, it doesn’t mean that it is applicable to all scenarios. Sometimes you should use “~いたします” when necessary. Hence, “確認いたします” “折り返しご連絡いたします” is more appropriate.

3. It is not necessary to use “休暇を頂戴しております” when telling your customer that your colleague is on vacation. Although 頂戴する is the Keigo form of もらう, it can only be used when you are receiving something from the customer. However, as your colleague is taking a vacation from your own company, you don’t use Keigo.

I hope it could be helpful for you sometime. See you next week!