意志動詞と無意志動詞 – Consciousness & unconsciousness verb

Today I will introduce the last part of consciousness and unconsciousness verb by showing another tip. Sometimes we need to distinguish the appropriate situations when to use these two types of verb. Here are the basic rules.
– When show the willing/opinion of the speaker
“しよう”, “つもりだ”, “ことにする”, etc. When you want to express your willingness in such way, you should use consciousness verb.
– In contrast, when you use expressions such as “ているところだ”, “ておく”, “てあげる”, the unconsciousness verb is appropriate.
– In the meantime, you should use the consciousness verb when express “order”, “forbidden” or “wish”.
In the end, I would like to say that you don’t need to worry too much about all the details because it takes a long time to catch the sense of a language. The only goal is to speak the language as fluent as you can. Therefore, if you are still confused, forget all the grammar and just say the words because the practice has always been the key.
Enjoy the weekend. See you next time!