Today we will expansion regarding 意志動詞 and 無意志動詞. First, let’s go through a new situation where a consciousness verb is used as the unconsciousness one.
– 明日から毎日泳ぐ。(I will keep swimming from tomorrow.)
– 手紙を書こうかなあ。(I will write a letter.)
“泳ぐ” and “書く” are consciousness verbs above. However, you will see how they are used as unconsciousness verbs as below.
– 気づいたら、1キロも泳いでいた。(I have been swimming for 1 kilometer when I noticed.)
– 違う住所を書いちゃった。どうしよう。(I wrote a wrong address. What should I do?)
Next, I will introduce some verbs that could be used as both consciousness and unconsciousness verbs.
Consciousness way
– キムさんは頑張って弁護士になった。(He worked very hard and became an attorney.)
– こんなことは早く忘れよう。(Let’s forget this.)
– またあいつか!明日雷を落としてやれ。(It’s him again! I will rebuke him tomorrow.)
Unconsciousness way
– 5時になりました。(It’s 5:00.)
– この人の名前は忘れちゃった。(I forgot that guy’s name.)
– 昨日トイレで財布を落としたようだ。(I probably lost my wallet at the toilet yesterday.)
Enjoy the weekend. See you next week.