授受表現 – some typical mistakes

We have been learning the “授受表現” for a few weeks. Students should know that there is a kind of emotion about “offering a benefit to somebody” included in this structure. However, many students usually misunderstanding this “benefit”. Therefore, Today I will introduce some typical mistakes that students are liable to make.
Wrong example 1: 先生は学生に宿題をあげました。(The teacher gave some homework to students.)
In general, it is difficult for students to think that homework is a benefit. Thus, it would not make any sense if you say something like above. Instead, you should say
See the following example and try to feel the emotion to identify why they are not appropriate.
Wrong example 2: 日本では歩いている人に無料でテッシュペーパーをあげている人がいる。(There are a group of people who hand out a free tissue to the pedestrians.)
Though it is the free tissue, Japanese would not consider it as a benefit. Therefore, instead of using “あげる”, “配る(hand out)” could be the most appropriate word.
Wrong example 3: 私は店長に今日の仕事の日程表をさしあげました。(I gave the schedule of today’s work to my manager.)
This example might be difficult to understand. In fact, it is similar to the example 2. Students should replace “さしあげる” by “渡す(hand in)”.
“Feel” the language has always been the most challenging thing for language-learner. If you think it is difficult, the only thing you can do is practice, practice, and practice.
I hope you like it. See you next time.