As shown in the title, today I will talk about the give and take of an item. Similar to the action, there are two rules need to be born in mind.
– the direction of the item going
– who present the item
あげる: the item goes out from the speaker
くれる: the item comes into the speaker
あげる: (speaker = 私) 私はマリさんに本をあげた。(I gave Mary a book.)
くれる: (speaker = 私) マリさんは私に本をくれた。(Mary gave me a book.)
It seems like a very easy structure, however, you would have to convert あげる・くれる into different forms depends on who you talk to.
In the situation where the item goes out from the speaker when you talk to:
Superior/supervisor: あげる→さしあげる
Equal status: あげる→あげる
Inferior: あげる→やる/あげる
In the situation where the item comes into the speaker when you talk to:
Superior/supervisor: くれる→くださる
Equal status: くれる→くれる
Inferior: くれる→くれる
I hope you enjoy it. Have a good weekend!