Examples of misunderstanding about “てもいいです”.

We have been learning about the phrase of “てもいいです” in the last two weeks. Today I will show you some examples of misunderstanding that people usually make.


  1. 電気をつけてもいいですか。
  2. 電気をつけてください。


The first sentence shows the structure of  “動詞てもいいですか” which is talking about “may I do something”. The person (subject) who turn on the light is “I”. In contrast, the second sentence shows the structure of “動詞てください” which means the subject is the person you are talk to.


Now, let’s recall the common forms of how to ask for permission.


Officially ask for permission (make sure that you always use 敬語(honorific).

A: 気分がすぐれません。帰ってもいいでしょうか。(I’m not feeling well. May I leave?)

B: いいですよ。お大事に。(Sure. Take care.)


Confirm if doing something would cause inconvenience to that person.

A: まだ終わりませんか。(Hasn’t it finished yet?)

B: ええ。もうすこしかかりそうです。(No, it seems to take a few more minutes.)

A: 先に帰ってもいいですか。(Can I leave now?)

B: ええ、どうぞ。(Sure. Go ahead.)


Please bear in mind the above common forms as I will show you special types of expression/rules next week. Have a great weekend.