I hope you have clearly understood and have no difficulty to use “ほしい” from the series lessons in last few weeks. We will learn a new phrase to expression the permission. Today I will show you the basic construction about it.
- Give permission: verb”て形”+”もいいです”
e.g. 今日はもう帰ってもいいですよ。(You could leave.)
- Ask for permission: verb”て形”+”もいいですか”
e.g. 今日はもう帰ってもいいですか。(Can I leave?)
- Express the “unnecessary”: verb+なくてもいいです
e.g. 食べなくてもいいですよ。(You don’t have to eat it.)
Now, let’s have a look at how to answer the phrase of number 2. For example,
A: ここにコートをかけてもいいですか。(Can I put your coat here?)
B: ええ、どうぞ。(Yes, please.)
いいですよ。(It’s okey.)
かまいませんよ。(That’s fine.)
かけてもいいですよ。(Yes, you can put it there.)
However, do you think you can use the the following answer phrase to everyone? Recall the example,
A: ここにコートをかけてもいいですか。(Can I put your coat here?)
B: いいですよ。(It’s okey.)
I will leave it to you as a quiz. The answer will be released next week. 🙂
Enjoy your weekend.