How to express your wish/hope?

Last week we have learned “のようだ”. I hope you can use it smoothly already. Today, I will introduce “…がほしい” to express your wish. Let’s have a look at the following example.


私は日本人の友達がほしいです。(I want to have a Japanese friend.)


As shown above, “ほしい” means “I want to do something.” “I hope…”. However, it is not a verb but an adjective. Thus, it can be used and converted as the same rule as adjectives. Meanwhile, a “が” need to be ahead to make the grammar correct.


A: 誕生日のプレゼント、指輪はどうですか?(Do you want a ring for your birthday present?)

B: うーん。指輪はあまりほしくないんです。(Umm, I don’t really want a ring.)


Meanwhile, one point is worth highlighting. It cannot be used to express the speaker’s willing, not the third party’s. For example,


○私はタブレットがほしいです。(I want a tablet.)

✖あなたはタブレットがほしいです。(You want a tablet.)

✖Annaさんはタブレットがほしいです。(Anna wants a tablet.)


Hope you enjoyed it. See you next time!