Happy New Year! Welcome to our one point lesson. We would like to introduce you to how to use ~っぱなし(~ppanashi) which means “leave it as it is.”
Expressions combining the stem of a verb + ppanashi (from the verb hanasu – to release) are used to mean something that is left “as is” without taking appropriate measures. This is usually used to describe a bad situation where some action should have been done. Let’s have a look at some examples:
- 窓が開けっぱなしです。(Mado ga ake ppanashi desu)
The window has been left open. (and it should not have been).
(ake is from akemasu-to open) - 窓を開けっぱなしにしないでください。(Mado o ake ppanashi ni shinai de kudasai)
Please do not leave the window open. - 書類が出しっぱなしです。(Shorui ga dashi ppanashi desu)
The documents are still out. (they are meant to be in the drawer).
If you add にしますto the end of a verb, it means to do and leave something that is different to what you would normally expect. For example:
- 窓を開けっぱなしにします。(Mado o ake ppanashi ni shimasu)
I will make sure the window is kept open. (In a scenario where it is not normal to have the window open) - 窓を開けっぱなしにしてください。(Mado o ake ppanashi ni shite kudasai)
Please make sure the window is kept open. (It is normally kept closed)
There is a similar expression using ta-form + まま(mama). ~っぱなし is a casual expression, so まま would be better if it’s a formal situation.
- 窓を開けたままにします。(Mado o aketa mama ni shimasu.)
I will make sure the window is kept open. - 窓を開けたままにしてください。(Mado o aketa mama ni shite kudasai)
Please leave the window open.
I hope these examples help your study!
Have a nice weekend peeps!